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Month: Wednesday August 11th, 2010

Add method to VFS in Minix.

Good Night,

First of all, what is VFS? VFS means Virtual File System. It is a layer that exists in a lot of OS and in Minix too, this layer takes care of the communication with the File System. It is a Master's thesis in Computer Science from Balázs Gerófi and the name is "Design and implementation of the MINIX Virtual File system".

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Torrent Client in linux server with web access


Why to create a server with a torrent client with web access? I live with other people that uses torrent too. I had a computer running a server with other services, so I decided to add this client (transmission-daemon) with web access, in this way we don't need to let computers on. Just this one. Everybody have web access to it and it is so simple to use.

But wich client to use? I searched a little bit and found that exists some famous ones as w3btorrent and torrentflux. but they need a web-server running like apache. And I don't want to setup it too, because I don't need it. So I choosed transmission the native torrent client in Ubuntu.

So, to install it in Ubuntu server you use:

$ sudo apt-get install transmission-daemon

Now you need to setup it, my configuration file was in /home/user/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json

The options are a lot but it is easy to understand them.

Continue reading Torrent Client in linux server with web access

How to split large file in smaller files using Linux

Hello, To split a large file in several smaller files, you can use Split from Linux. How it works? Man split. split --bytes=1m /path/large/file /path/output/file/prefix…

Continue reading How to split large file in smaller files using Linux