After install Ubuntu 12.04 - 64 bits to test it, I decided to try the Flash player. I decided to try the method created by Romeo-Adrian Cioba that I published Install Flash Player on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bits or Install Flash on Ubuntu 11.04 64 Bits.
native installer Flash Player 10.2 Preview 3
native installer Flash Player (Seems more stable)
Give execution permission:
$ chmod +x native-64bit-flash-installer.sh
Execute it: (It will close your firefox!)
$ ./native-64bit-flash-installer.sh
Tested and working!
Sadly the repository version is not working for me, but this one keeps working.
Enjoy it,
[...] Se desejar verificar as versões anteriores: Instalar Flash 10 no Ubuntu 64 Bits [...]
[...] Se desejar verificar as versões anteriores: Instalar Flash 10 no Ubuntu 64 Bits [...]