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Update Android to 2.2 in Nexus One


Last wednesday the Android 2.2 was announced. I read in many websites that it is faster and it has some new functionalities, like thetering and to be a Wifi-hotspot.

So How to install it? To know each one to download, access "Settings" - "About the phone" in the end you will see your Build Number. If you is ERE27 you should download this file:

PS: Sometimes they change the end from 1e519a24 to something else, maybe it is some small changes. So if the link is broken, please let me know.

1. Rename the file to and copy it to your microSd
2. With your nexus one off press trackball and press the power button
3. You will see a white screen with 3 Androids in Skates.
- Volume down, move menu down
- Volume up, move menu up
- Power button is Enter
- Select "Bootloader"
4. Next screen select "Recovery"
5. Your nexus one will reboot and it will show you a Android screen with a exclamation inside a triangle
6. Press the power button and volume up at the same time.
7. Now using the trackball select "Apply" and let it execute

Tested and running. Android Version 2.2. Your nexus one doesn't need to be rooted to use this process.



Published inAndroid


  1. Ronaldo Bergamo Ronaldo Bergamo

    Instalei e deu tudo certo agora meu nexus é 2.2.Obrigado.

  2. Brunno Gens Brunno Gens

    Olá!! Segui todos os passos, porém na tela de executar o, o sistema mostra a seguinte mensagem:

    "E: signature verification failed
    Installation aborted"

    Você saberia me dizer porque aconteceu isso?

    muito obrigado,

  3. The android The android

    já tenho o nexus 2.2.1, já comprei assim, mas eu quero pra colocar em outros, posso colocar no milestone? acho que sim é só este arquivo que eu pego?

  4. Cara,

    Depende da sua versão anterior, a versão que você deve baixar depende do seu build number que pode ser encontrada em:
    “Settings” e depois “About the phone” no final você possuira um Build number.

    Você deve achar a versão que seja do seu build number para o build number que você quer.

    Espero ter ajudado,

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