Good Night, If you don't want to use Arduino IDE (Or Teensy IDE? 😉 to programming and uploading your code to Teensy 3.0 you can…
Continue reading Compile to Teensy 3.0 on Windows using Makefile
Good Night, If you don't want to use Arduino IDE (Or Teensy IDE? 😉 to programming and uploading your code to Teensy 3.0 you can…
Continue reading Compile to Teensy 3.0 on Windows using Makefile
Good Night,
First of all, what is VFS? VFS means Virtual File System. It is a layer that exists in a lot of OS and in Minix too, this layer takes care of the communication with the File System. It is a Master's thesis in Computer Science from Balázs Gerófi and the name is "Design and implementation of the MINIX Virtual File system".
First of all go to /usr/src/include and create a header file with this structure:
Hello This is a implementation of B-Tree. This program read a list of ZipCodes and insert then in a Tree, and it should calculate the…
This is a implementation of a Stack using pointers. The basic thing is the structure of tPilha is
[code lang="C"]
constant MAXPILHA = 100;
tipo tPilha {
inteiro dados[MAXPILHA];
inteiro *topo;
}; [/code]
Where *topo is a pointer to the first element in the stack. When you`re going to add a new one you verify if the stack is full, if it ins`t you put the data in a position in the stack and change the *topo. When removing, you decrement one in pointer *topo. Then it will reference the element that was there before.
(I had an enunciation but it was too big to translate)
stack with pointers implementation!
PS: You can see the enunciation in portuguese and then use google translate to translate it
Continue reading Stack, using pointer, Data Structure.
Good Night, What is Queue? Queue is a data structure used a lot in computers, and it is based on the principle FIFO (First in,…
Good Night, What is Stack? Stack is a data structure of abstract data used a lot in computers, and it is based on the principle…