Hello guys, A few days ago I started working with Git Hub and uploading my recent projects to it. Right now, I'm working hardly on…
Matheus Bratfisch
"Cogito ergo sum"
Hello guys, A few days ago I started working with Git Hub and uploading my recent projects to it. Right now, I'm working hardly on…
Hello, Recently my Arduino UNO stopped to be recognized by computer (using USB), I tried a few stuffs: - Changed the Atmega328 - Rewrite bootloader…
Continue reading Programming atmega8u2 on Arduino Uno using USB Asp
Hello, To use your USB Asp as a regular user (non root) you must add the following rule to /etc/udev/rules.d Execute: $ sudo pico /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usbasp.rules…
Good night, Going on with my adventures with Arduino and sensors, today I decided to play with Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 to measure distance. HC-SR04 is…
Continue reading Ultrasonic distance sensor with Arduino and HC-SR04 (Arduino + HC-SR04)
Hello, I'm starting to publish some experiments that I do with Arduino UNO/Nano, sensors and other stuffs. Today I created a thermometer with LM35 sensor.…
Continue reading Temperature Sensor with Arduino and LM35 (Arduino + LM35)
Hello, An interesting documentary that I just watched and recommend to curius about Arduino and Arduino enthusiast Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD from gnd…